Robb") Scots writer Iain Banks wrote mainstream or literary fiction under his own name and science fiction under Iain M.

Robb (such books are titled "Nora Roberts writing as J. Romance writer Nora Roberts writes erotic thrillers under the pen name J. Johns" although the highest army rank he held was acting lieutenant and his highest air force rank was flying officer.Īuthors who regularly write in more than one genre may use different pen names for each, sometimes with no attempt to conceal a true identity. William Earl Johns wrote under the name "Capt. Churchill to distinguish his writings from those of the American novelist of the same name.Īn author may use a pen name implying a rank or title which they have never actually held. For instance, in 1899 the British politician Winston Churchill wrote under the name Winston S. Western literature Europe and the United States Īn author may use a pen name if their real name is likely to be confused with that of another author or other significant individual. See also French phrases used by English speakers. Since guerre means "war" in French, nom de guerre did not make sense to the British, who did not understand the French metaphor. Fowler, in The King's English state that the term nom de plume evolved in Britain where people wanting a literary phrase failed to understand the term nom de guerre, which already existed in French. The French-language phrase nom de plume is occasionally still seen as a synonym for the English term "pen name," which is a "back-translation" and originated in England rather than France.